
How does a Recursive DNS server operate?

Recursive DNS server: What does it mean?

In computers, recursion refers to a technique for addressing a problem. That calls for an answer or a strategy that will keep repeating itself until it achieves its objective. So, the Recursive DNS server is in charge of looking up the information required to respond to DNS requests made by users.

Recursive DNS servers serve as a bridge between end users and authoritative DNS servers. A recursive DNS server will look up the IP address whenever a domain name is entered. This server returns to the browser on the requested device after determining the precise IP address for the requested domain name. By connecting to that IP address, the device is finally able to access the required website, and the website is loaded.

Weaknesses of Recursive DNS servers

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How to get started with Secondary DNS?

Secondary DNS is an absolutely incredible service. Why? Because if your main server is down for any reason, your domain will still continue to function. This definitely saves a lot of money and stress.

Secondary DNS – what does it mean?

Almost everyone on the Internet uses the Domain Name System, even if they do not realize it. The purpose of DNS is to link the easy-to-remember domain names with its Internet Protocols. This domain has Primary DNS, which holds all the critical information. Many domains, however, employ Secondary DNS to ensure faster load times, better load balancing, and redundancy in the event of an outage or attack. So, we can say that Secondary DNS is an amazing service whose primary purpose is to link you to a DNS server network. You can find it with the other name like Backup DNS or Slave DNS. 

Secondary DNS server – Everything you need to know

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Advantages of using Managed DNS

If you own or administrate an online business, you know how vital DNS is for existing on the Internet. Of course, you can build your own DNS server, but having a Managed DNS brings really good advantages that you should consider.

What does Managed DNS mean?

Shortly, Managed DNS means the service offered for clients to use the DNS servers of a provider. Once you pick such a provider, its DNS servers (its infrastructure) will be available for you to manage all your DNS data (records) of your domain and make the domain available online. 

Providers supply their clients with a friendly control panel to manage their DNS. From there, you can create, add, modify, or clear DNS records, DNS zones, PoPs, etc.

Managed DNS service

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Boost your network with Anycast DNS

Anycast DNS explained

Anycast DNS is a well-known traffic routing mechanism implemented in DNS (Domain Name System) management. It allows you to set your IP address in several different name servers, which are spread in different locations in the world. That way, when a user requests your domain name, it is going to receive an answer from the closest name server. As a result, the DNS query is going to take the shorter path for obtaining the needed information (IP address). Therefore, this approach guarantees improvement in the speed of the Domain resolution and reduces the latency.

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rDNS: Do you really need it?

Reverse domain name system or rDNS is a really useful feature. But the reality is, it’s not a must to have it. It totally depends on the kind of domain you have. Answering more specifically, yes, you really need rDNS if you plan to send e-mails or provide any other service requiring DNS verification to operate.

If your domain doesn’t have such requirements, no, you don’t need to enable rDNS. Simple as that. If you want to understand properly what is rDNS and what it is for, this entire article is for you! Maybe you don’t need rDNS now, but you can need it later!

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Traceroute command – an overview

Traceroute command explained.

Traceroute command is one of the built-in commands with a command-line interface (CLI). You are able to use it for any OS, such as Linux, macOS, and it is even available for Windows (tracert command). It servers perfectly for network diagnostic and, more precisely, for tracing the route from a point to a target.

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Primary DNS server – Definition

Primary DNS server explained.

You can find the Primary DNS server, also called the Master DNS server, so you can see that the names show its importance. Yet, it is the origin of all the original information concerning a particular DNS zone and its corresponding domains. The Primary DNS server has a very responsible role. It stores all the DNS records for its DNS zone. Whenever you want to make some changes or delete one record or several, you have to do it in the main source – the Master DNS server.

Single Primary DNS server – Is it enough?

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What does Extended Validation SSL Certificate mean?

EV SSL is a popular type of SSL Certificate. Extended Validation SSL Certificate provides trust and security to the website. Let’s explain a little bit more about it.

What is an SSL Certificate?

Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL for short, is a standard used for encrypting data exchanged between users’ devices and websites. Additionally, it verifies identity for users to feel more secured. As a result, SSL is a useful security layer mainly for websites that ask for sensitive data from their users. Therefore, it is essential to transfer data without any risk of manipulation or interception.

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