Boost your network with Anycast DNS

Anycast DNS explained

Anycast DNS is a well-known traffic routing mechanism implemented in DNS (Domain Name System) management. It allows you to set your IP address in several different name servers, which are spread in different locations in the world. That way, when a user requests your domain name, it is going to receive an answer from the closest name server. As a result, the DNS query is going to take the shorter path for obtaining the needed information (IP address). Therefore, this approach guarantees improvement in the speed of the Domain resolution and reduces the latency.

How does it work? 

Thanks to Anycast DNS, the DNS queries of the users are directed to the nearest server for the fastest answer. Here is how it actually works:

  • First, different groups of name servers inform that they hold the very same IP address.
  • Then, the user requests the particular domain name, and the DNS resolution process is triggered. The recursive DNS server obtains the request and defines the route by choosing the shortest path to the closes name server holding the needed IP address. 

You can configure Anycast DNS to route requests, also based on:

  • Time to response
  • The availability of the server 
  • Congestion of the route

Advantages of implementing Anycast DNS

Easy setup. You just have to adjust a single IP address and share it with the group of name servers in your network.

Great performance. Businesses, services, or websites with global audiences could really benefit from ensuring excellent performance and quick DNS resolution in every spot in the world where they operate. 

Scalability. Usually, it depends on the type of service, DNS provider, and plan you choose. However, in the majority of the cases, you can adjust the number of Anycast DNS servers relying on your needs, like traffic and performance. Typically, Cloud-based DNS providers offer that possibility. It is great that it is easy and flexible!

Load-balancing. Through Anycast, DNS is easy to incorporate load balancing. You get a robust network that involves numerous servers. When the traffic is spread within all of them, they are barely going to experience pressure. In addition, you can manage unexpected spikes. 

Improved protection and security. The DoS and DDoS attacks are some of the most popular and also very harmful cyber threats out there. 

Those cyberattacks involve the usage of huge amounts of traffic, and their main goal is to overwhelm their victims and bring them down. As we mentioned, Anycast DNS can be used for load-balancing. That way, malicious traffic could be distributed on the network and keep your website up and running. This efficient mechanism and robust network of servers help you improve the overall protection of your website or services. 

Redundancy. There are different reasons which can bring a server down, such as attacks and failures. However, holding a robust network with well-spread servers lowers the chances of experiencing the unavailability of answering the DNS queries of the users. Therefore, the chance for all of your servers to be down at the same time is really small. Thus, you can rely on maintaining consistent uptime.

Fast answer to DNS queries. All DNS queries receive their answer from the nearest name server. Anycast DNS always chooses the shortest and quickest route.

Reduces latency. Users are going to load and connect with your website quickly.