Domain Name System Security Extensions

DNSSEC – Definition

DNSSEC explained.

The Domain Name System Security Extensions, or for short DNSSEC, is an excellent method to improve the security of your domains. It is a superior DNS trait. When you start applying it to each DNS record is going to be attached a digital signature (DS) record. That provides a guarantee that the domain name source is authentic.

The main reason for its creation is to keep the users on the Internet safe and protected from any forged DNS data. For example, the address could be misleading or malicious and lead users to an unwanted website rather than the original one they requested.

When you start using DNSSEC, the DNS lookups are going to prove that the source of the website’s DNS is valid with digital signatures. Therefore, some types of attacks could be successfully stopped through its help. That is possible because the browsers will not open the site if the digital signature does not match.

Check the following page to find a great DNSSEC service!

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